Submitted by undy on Sun, 28/01/2018 - 21:29
It's a wrap - see results
Submitted by undy on Sun, 24/12/2017 - 20:13
Thanks for coming out on a classic December day, especially Mark who came and helped me get set up, Graeme who ran the start all day and all the Big Foot guys who gathered the gear up at the end.
Congratulations to Aidan and Lisa, Aidan grabbing his first win and Lisa her second. Plenty of past champs in what was a hot field.
Dave Lotty clocked up his hundredth event for the year - great work Dave, 5 to go.
Results: Combined and by leg | Eventor | Attackpoint Splits | Routegadget leg 1 | Routegadget leg 2 | Ranking Points
Submitted by undy on Wed, 22/11/2017 - 22:28
Submitted by admin on Sat, 04/11/2017 - 15:58
OK, so only a couple of people noticed that the BF site was down, but quite a few more noticed that the Big Pink rankings were offline. A mistake by that fool Andy Simpson while renaming the domain caused all sorts of grief. In the end we have moved to a new hosting server which happily solves the original problem he was working on and has some bonus features for hosting.
Main improvment: now the site(s) are accessible via https rather than http.
Submitted by undy on Fri, 29/09/2017 - 08:35
The Australian Orienteering champs carnival is in full swing with Big Foot heavily involved in the organisation and competition. Despite the early morning starts to get the start up and running, some Big Feet have been performing well with a few taking out Australian titles.
Place getters in the Sprint champs:
Big Foot got a rare double win in the Metroleague Finals at Boggabilla on 10 Sep 2017. The BF Division 1 team regained the trophy after a hard fought victory over Garingal, ending up level on points with WHO, but with a better points difference. BF were awarded the newly minted Frank Assenza trophy, named after Frank who was the NSW Metroleague coordinator for many years. This breaks the run of 2 victories by Garingal in 2015 and 2016, which followed 6 in a row by BF 2009-2014.
Submitted by undy on Sun, 27/08/2017 - 21:18
Breaking news from
V juniorkách zvítězila superfavoritka své kategorie Veronika Kubínová, která z loňska obhajuje 4 zlaté medaile. A při úvodní disciplíně všem ukázala, že i letos si do Litvy přivezla skvělou formu. Druhou Australanku Lucy Mackie zdolala o 1:59, třetí Ruska Uliana Sukholovskaya měla ztrátu ještě o další minutu vyšší. Na velkou bednu za šesté místo vystoupala i Vilma Králová. Do nejlepší desítky se vešla i devátá Veronika Grycová.