Newcastle OY1 - Archery Ridge (Elrington)
Event Date: 2024-04-07
Club: Newcastle Orienteering Club
EVENT: NOY1 - Elrington
DATE: Sunday 7 April 2024
MAP: Archery Ridge (1:10,000)
DIRECTIONS: From MULBRING - From the roundabout at Leggetts Drive and Lake Road travel west on Lake Road for 4.8 km then turn right into Hebburn Road (gravel road but 2WD suitable). Follow Hebburn Road for 2km then turn right into the Archery Club for parking. From KEARSLEY - Follow Lake Road (to the east) for 3 km then turn left into Hebburn Road and proceed as above.
ASSEMBLY: Assembly is further along Tomalpin Trail, about 100-150m from parking.
STARTS: 9:30 am - 11:30 am (start anytime within this window)
FORMAT: Line courses utilising traditional orange and white flags with Sportident punching. If you do not have an SI stick you will need to rent one. Use the services option to add when entering.
CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS: Printed on the map (may be loose copies available at start).
VERY EASY: 2.0 km, 12 controls, 50m
EASY: 2.2 km, 13 controls, 60m
MODERATE SHORT: 2.5 km, 11 controls, 70m
MODERATE LONG: 3.4 km, 13 controls, 100m
HARD SHORT: 3.0 km, 13 controls, 80m
HARD MEDIUM: 5.1 km, 17 controls, 170m
HARD LONG: 6.6 km, 21 controls, 200m
PLANNING: Samantha Howe
NOTES: Lots of interesting watercourse and rock features with extensive tracks across the map. Motorbikes have ridden through some areas making faint tracks which are not mapped. Termite mounds have been checked where relevant to navigation.
Setting to minimise climb and steep descent (on Short Hard and easier courses at least) as there are some steeper hills. A little bit of prickly vegetation here and there.
OUT OF BOUNDS: HEZ land on the Eastern side of the map is marked Out of Bounds - please keep out of this area.