Newcastle OY 6 - Belford National Park

Newcastle OY 6 - Belford National Park
Event Date: 2024-07-28
Club: Newcastle Orienteering Club
Newcastle Orienteer of the Year # 6 - Belford National Park
DATE: Sunday 28 July 2024
STARTS: 9:30am to 11:30am. COURSE CLOSURE: 1:00pm

DIRECTIONS: From Newcastle/M1 - Travel northwest on the M15/Hunter Expressway which becomes the New England Highway after passing Branxton. Turn right at the Lower Belford 3 sign into Kirkton Road (this is approximately 3.0km after the Branxton Heavy Vehicle Rest Area, just past and opposite the large brown “Hunter Valley Vineyards” sign). Follow Kirkton Road for 700m.
From the west/Singleton - Travel southeast on the New England Highway. 7km after the B84/Golden Highway turnoff turn left into Kirkton Road at the 3 Lower Belford sign. Follow Kirkton Road for 700m.

PARKING: Park on the left side of Kirkton Rd. Kirkton Rd is an 80 kmh zone and traffic is infrequent but fast moving. Ensure your vehicle is fully off the road. Take care with children. Keep off the road when walking to the assembly area.

ASSEMBLY/START/FINISH: The assembly area is through a gate in the fence on the left (southwest) side of the bend in Kirkton Rd. The start is adjacent to the assembly area. After punching the finish proceed 80m to the download.

MAP: “Belford National Park”. Scale 1:10 000. 5m contours. Remapped: Ian Dempsey 2015. Partial updates: Glenn Burgess 2023-24.

- Mostly very runnable, gently undulating open eucalypt forest with some more moderate slopes. Light green areas can be quite runnable but have variable visibility. Areas mapped as green stripe are mostly low tussock varying between slow run and run. Distinct denser stands of Casuarina trees (darker green/“walk”) occur in the lower areas, some with distinct vegetation boundaries. On the eastern side of the road areas of feral African Olive (mostly poisoned by NPWS and now dead “skeletons”) are mapped darker green. Numerous (mostly small) termite mounds, Native Cherry trees* of various sizes and the occasional small Lantana thicket* are scattered across the area (*see photos in Information Flyer). Erosion detail occurs along some of the watercourses. The track network is sparse in much of the park.
- Some tracks are indistinct and hard to see in parts, particularly when crossing over them. There may be new unmapped termite mounds and some termite mounds may be hard to see in longer grass. Unmapped animal trails may be encountered in some areas.
- The Very Easy and Easy courses follow a streamer trail between some controls. These are not shown on the other courses.
- The Hard Medium and Hard Long courses cross Kirkton Rd twice. The wire fences along the roadside are tightly strung but you should be able to easily pass through between the strands. Beware of traffic when crossing the road.

SPECIAL MAP SYMBOLS: Brown triangle = termite mound >0.3m. Small green circle = Native Cherry tree(s). Green dot = small lantana thicket. Green cross = tree root mound >1.5m. Black cross = wreckage. Black circle = post(s).

COURSES: Course / Length / Climb (approx.) / Number of controls / Description
Very Easy / 1.9 km / 35 m / 10. Follows tracks, a fenceline, a watercourse and streamered routes.
Easy / 2.7 km / 45 m / 11. Controls near to tracks and watercourses. Some options to cut across.
Moderate Short / 2.8 km / 50 m / 11. Moderate cross country navigation.
Moderate Long / 3.8 km / 65 m / 15. Moderate cross country navigation.
Hard Short / 4.2 km / 60 m / 14. More difficult navigation.
Hard Medium / 6.2 km / 110 m / 19. More difficult navigation.
Hard Long / 8.3 km / 160 m / 21. More difficult navigation.

CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS: Printed on the map and loose copies available at registration.

WATER: Please bring your own water. There is a drinks control on the Moderate Long and all the Hard courses.

SAFETY BEARING: EAST to Kirkton Rd; or if on Long Medium or Long Hard and have crossed the road, WEST to the road.

ENTRY FEES: . Pre-entry before Sunday preferred. First timers also see the attached How to Enter as a First Timer.

COURSE PLANNER: Glenn Burgess. VETTER: tbc

RESTRICTIONS: Dogs, smoking and fires are prohibited from ALL parking, assembly and competition areas.

ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: Help with collecting controls following event closure will be needed and very much appreciated.

location not set
Sunday, July 28, 2024